Penthouse Pet of the Month April 2018 Shyla Jennings

Penthouse Pet of the Month April 2018 Shyla Jennings (Picture courtesy of

21st Century Penthouse Pets presents free pictures and videos galleries, biography information and interesting links about Shyla Jennings, April 2018 Penthouse Pet of the Month.

  • Age: 39 years old
  • Height: 5'2"
  • Stats: 32B-25-33
  • Hometown: Germany
  • I'm a real Texas girl, but I was born in Stuttgart, Germany. I'm a military brat. I have three dogs: a French bulldog, a Labrador mix, and a Chiweenie, which is a cross between a Chihuahua and a Dachshund. They are a handful themselves. Then, I have two rescued indoor cats and one of those cat's families lives outdoors, plus seven other outdoor cats. I would bring them all in, but they are so acclimated to the outdoors. I also have an African grey parrot named Leah and a saltwater tank filled with thousands of creatures like clown fish, starfish, and crabs.

